
This blog was created shortly after we got married to document the many adventures we would have together. Then we forgot all about it until we were given some news that changed our lives forever. On March 12, 2015 Kayla was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Overwhelmed by the love and support we have received since then, we decided to chronicle this adventure for all of you who wish to follow along.

March 30

                Today we spent some time catching up on homework (Chase), working on this blog (Kayla), and spending time with family. We had lunch with Chase’s sister at Ikea, where she works, and then explored the store for a while. Chase had never been in Ikea. It was fun to look around and imagine what our house could look like someday. Even if that feels like it will be a while until we are free from school and can start looking to settle down.

                The evening was busier than expected, with both a lacrosse game for Chase’s younger sister, and a birthday dinner for my brother. It is so strange to see them both so grown up. Makenna’s game went very well and they won their game by a wide margin. Logan’s birthday dinner was an exciting and new experience for my family. Logan asked to go to a sushi restaurant. No one in my family has much experience with it, but Logan has become a huge fan of Japanese comics. We asked the waitress to choose what types of sushi we got, since none of us had ever ordered it before, and it turned out to be one of the most fun things we have ever done. Even Bryson, the notoriously picky tried and enjoyed it.

                With some fun memories, and feeling a little more relaxed, we went to bed and tried to prepare ourselves for the busy week ahead. 

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