
This blog was created shortly after we got married to document the many adventures we would have together. Then we forgot all about it until we were given some news that changed our lives forever. On March 12, 2015 Kayla was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Overwhelmed by the love and support we have received since then, we decided to chronicle this adventure for all of you who wish to follow along.

February 24

                Went for the follow-up with Lindsey. Apparently the ultrasound was inconclusive and that there were two options from here. We could start me on a round of super antibiotics and steroids and see if that clears it up or we could do a surgical biopsy, remove the offending lymph node, dissect it and find out what was going on. Unfortunately because of the location of the nodes it would need to be done in an operating room under general anesthesia. So this was the decision I was left with: 

February 19

                I went in for my ultrasound, which showed a cluster of large lymph nodes on the left side of my neck. There wasn’t much more she could tell me until the radiologist looked at it. It went pretty quick and the technician said that my doctor would have the results in a few days.
Guess we'll just wait and see.   

February 12

                I meet with Lindsey at the ENT clinic and she asked me the same set of questions. 

"Have you been sick?" 
"How long have these lumps been here?"
 "About a month at this point." 
"Do they hurt?" 
"Not really, one is tender but only if you poke it." (She pokes the lump in question). 

I’m then informed that there isn't much she can tell without more in depth analysis of the nodes. We got an ultrasound scheduled and I will meet with her again once those results are in. 

February 5

                After a week on antibiotics the lumps haven’t changed and there are 3 that I can feel clearly. The original, plus two below it, the lowest one just above my collar bone. The doctor at the student clinic says that all my blood work came back normal, with the exception of a slightly high white blood cell count, another indicator of some kind of local infection. He draws one more blood sample to see if anything has changed and refers me to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialty clinic in North Logan.